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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Kagame takes campaign to Eastern Province as challengers head west and south

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On Tuesday, July 2, the 11th day of the 2024 presidential and parliamentary campaigns, Paul Kagame, the flagbearer of the RPF-Inkotanyi and its allied parties, went Kirehe District.

Kirehe is Kagame’s first stop in Eastern Province since he launched his campaign trail on June 22. The incumbent President, who is seeking re-election on July 15, has campaigned in Northern, Western and Southern provinces and in Kigali.

The other two presidential contenders, Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party and independent Philippe Mpayimana, also continued their campaigns on Tuesday.

Habineza went to woo voters in Nyabihu and Rubavu in Western Province, while Mpayimana went to Nyaruguru and Nyamagabe in Southern Province.

Habineza and Mpayimana have also campaigned in other parts of Southern, Northern and Western provinces, as they explained their manifestos to the voters.

RPF parliamentary candidates went to campaign in Muhanga District in Southern Province.

Other parties, which are seeking seats in Parliament, also took their campaigns to different parts of the country.

After campaigning Eastern and Southern provinces as well as Kigali, Liberal Party (PL) on Tuesday went to Rusizi and Karongi in Western Province to mobilise voters for its 54 parliamentary candidates.

Green Party also took the campaign for its 50 parliamentary candidates to Nyabihu and Rubavu.

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda chairperson Frank Habineza during the campaign in Nyabihu
The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda chairperson Frank Habineza during the campaign in Nyabihu

On Tuesday, parliamentary candidates seeking to represent people with disabilities also launched their campaign in Kigali.

Women parliamentary candidates also continued their campaigns in Musanze District and Rwamagana District.

Candidates seeking to represent youth in Parliament launched their campaigns on Tuesday.

Other parties such as Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Ideal Democratic Party (PDI) PS Imberakuri took a break on Tuesday and will resume their campaigns on Wednesday.

The campaign period will be closed on July 13. Rwandans will go to the polls on July 14-15 to elect the President and Members of Parliament.

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda during the campaign in Nyabihu
The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda during the campaign in Nyabihu


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